Sample Cases
A criminal defense attorney’s knowledge of the law and ability to negotiate well can mean the difference between enduring a trial and avoiding a criminal charge in the first place. If you review these summaries, you will see how critical it is to have effective legal representation as early as possible (in some cases, I have been retained before charges are ever filed).
The summaries below represent a sample of the types of cases I typically handle. All of them are actual cases with results exactly as described. These results are specific to facts of each case (and therefore should not be taken as a promise or guarantee of a similar result).
No charges - Alleged assault in the First Degree. Client shot a man whom was threatening her and her family at a Seattle bus stop. I was able to demonstrate to the prosecutor that she acted in self-defense.
No charges - Alleged assault of a child. CPS claimed client purposely broke her ten month old daughter’s leg. I was able to show the prosecutor that it was an accident
No charges - Alleged assault of a child. CPS claimed client purposely broke his eight month old son’s leg. I was able to demonstrate to the prosecutor that it was an accident.
No charges - Alleged Vehicular Homicide. Client drove across the midline and collided with an oncoming car. Unfortunately, the driver in the oncoming vehicle was killed. I was able to persuade the prosecutor’s office that the client was not driving recklessly.
“High profile” - (Juvenile Case) Teenaged client pushed police officer after client and her friends jaywalked across the street by their high school. I was able convince the prosecutor to reduce her felony charge to a misdemeanor. Ultimately, she will be able to seal her juvenile conviction. See Welch, Craig.
“High “Profile” - Client alleged that she was raped by David Copperfield. A few years later, she was charged with prostitution and making a false statement in Bellevue. I was able to prove to the prosecutors that she did not commit any acts of prostitution and did not make any false statements. Eventually, the client decided to plead guilty to one misdemeanor charge of obstruction. Ultimately, the charge will be dismissed from her record. See Carter, Mike.
Charges dismissed during trial - Robbery in the First Degree with a Firearm. Client and friend allegedly took out a gun and demanded car stereo equipment from a street vendor. I was able to persuade the prosecutor to dismiss the case after the trial had started and during jury selection.
Not Guilty - Assault in the Second and Assault in the Fourth Degree. Client allegedly assaulted a father and the father’s grown son outside of the client’s hotel room. During the fight, my client broke one of the men’s jaw. During trial, I was able to show the jury that the two men attacked my client first. Consequently, the jury found my client not guilty of both charges. Additionally, I convinced the jury to award my client attorney’s fees so he did not have to pay for the trial, expenses, or missed work.
Not Guilty - Robbery in the First Degree and Assault in the Fourth Degree. Client allegedly beat up a husband and his wife and took their cash. After the altercation, my client was arrested. During the search of my client, the police found bloody money in my client’s pocket. During trial, I was able to prove to the jury that the couple actually assaulted my client. Furthermore, I was able to demonstrate that the money in my client’s pocket was really his. In the end, the jury acquitted my client of both charges. . Additionally, I convinced the jury to award my client attorney’s fees so he did not have to pay for the trial or expenses. See Pulkkinen, Levi. “Stripper stabs assailant during robbery attempt, prosecutors claim.” The Seattle P-I 13 July 2010
Not Guilty - Client acquitted of Residential Burglary charge after jury trial. At trial, prosecution presented eyewitness claiming to have seen client leaving the scene of the burglary, as well as police testimony that client was found nearby in possession of the alleged victim’s belongings.
Not Guilty (Juvenile case) - Teenage client acquitted of Rape in the Second Degree charge after trial. Police had arrived at park in response to neighbors claiming to have heard female yelling for help, and found client and alleged victim together.
Not Guilty - Client was acquitted of Obstruction and a second charge of Possession of Methamphetamine was dismissed with prejudice after trial on both charges. Police had stopped client based on a report that his car was a stolen vehicle; client ran from police after getting out of the car. After tackling and subduing client, police had found packet of methamphetamine in his pants pocket.
Charges Dismissed - Rape in the First Degree; Burglary in the First Degree with Sexual Motivation.Client was a college professor charged as described; after review of evidence I was able to show that most of it had been fabricated by the accuser (emails were faked; a "court order" was forged). All charges were dismissed, and the accuser was later convicted of false reporting. See Whitely, Peyton. "Woman pleads guilty to false rape report." The Seattle Times 19 Mar. 2008
Charges dismissed - Conspiracy to Commit Murder in the First Degree (2 counts). Client charged with conspiring with his brother to kill two witnesses to a shooting that his brother was facing criminal charges for. My client met with undercover officers to purchase weapons and was arrested. However, I was able to negotiate dismissal of the conspiracy to murder charges in exchange for client’s plea to conspiracy to bail-jump. See Johnson, Tracy. "Man sentenced in bail-jumping conspiracy charge." The Seattle P-I 24 Mar. 2008
Charges dismissed - Trafficking Stolen Property (multiple); Possession of Stolen Property. Client arrested for possessing multiple stolen Boeing computers and selling them on e-bay and Craig’s List. I was able to demonstrate that my client didn’t know the computers were stolen.
Not guilty - Client acquitted of Assault in the Second Degree charge after jury trial. Client was a caretaker at a group home for special needs teenagers. At trial, prosecution presented eyewitness claiming that she saw client strangle alleged victim for 30 seconds. A detective also testified that client had demonstrated to the detective how he choked the alleged victim, because he “wanted to tell the truth”. I was able to challenge the credibility of the detective’s story, as well as identify inconsistencies in the testimony of the eyewitness.
Charges dropped - Client charged with solicitation to Commit Murder in the First Degree Charge, based on allegations that he had tried to hire a person to kill his wife. I was able to show that the alleged hit man-for-hire had fabricated the entire plan so that he could reduce time off of his prison sentence. See Gutierrez, Scott. “Charge dropped against suspect in hit man case.” The Seattle P-I 26 Jan. 2009